An aesthetic touch that rewrites the rules and a precious work of art that embodies all the enticing colors…
Like silk between the fingers of the miraculous hands dancing on the smoothest of the fabrics…
Like the presentation of a gem textured dessert that holds a thousand waves of savor within..
Glamorize, the shining new icon of the high life and the music that stirs the deepest of emotions…
The painters of music gather in Glamorize Records, the creator of new music. In other words, the engineers, artists, producers and
designers of lounge, chill-out, ambient, space age, new age, trip hop, nu jazz and smooth electronica come together
in the prominent crew of Glamorize Records.
For ‘Glamorize Style’ audience, the work is built upon the ideal of creating and sustaining that unique moment and Glamorize Records
influences the audience with its musical depth, making him experience the feeling of being somewhere else. Interacting with every
branch of art and designing for real music with its creative crew, Glamorize records aims to be an iconized label.